Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Web Conference Reflection

A few weeks back I attended one of the web conferences for my current course in my Lamar Univerisyt online Master's Degree. It was an enjoyable experience and helped a great deal to provide some clarification on the assignments for that week in the course work. I couldn't help myself, I was cracking jokes and playing the clown, but for those of you who know me this should come as virtually no surprise. As Popeye always said: "I am's what I am's!" It was also a little bit amusing as a few students asked the same question about one of the assignment paramters that required that we upload our blog address to a class wiki. the professor insisted that no such wiki existed and that this was not, in fact, a requirement for the completion of the assingment. Then, in the chat section of the conference, several students quoted the assignment document which clearly indicated that we neded to upload a blog address to a wiki. The professor continually insisted that this was not the case, students continued asking the same question and reiterating the same points, and around and around it went like a bad Abbott and Costello routine. Despite this little hiccup, the web conference was usefyl overall if a bit dull. If we were rating it like a movie, I'd give it three stars!