Saturday, November 27, 2010

Action Research Week 2

Hello all! Hopefully everyone had a restful and family-filled Thanksgiving! (Although with the spectre of this week's course work hanging over you head that may have been a tad bit difficult!) Anyway, this week was interesting as we started getting into the nitty gritty of what action research entails and some possible avenues to explore as we craft our very own research projects. (Can I just say that when I start calling myself an action researcher it makes me feel a little bit like a superhero.) Anyway, due to the mounting pain in my back from cramming all of this week's work into one action-packed day in front of my laptop, let me be brief: the most illuminating thing I took away from this week is that this stuff really is practical and really can benefit the school as large. If each of us takes ownership of our practices and seeks to better ourselves and our classrooms than we genuinely will impact our campus for the better. Moreover, if we take the time to reflect upon what we do and how we can do it better, we will be better and so will our students. Feel free to ruminate on my latest batch of homegrown wisdom, cuz I'm out!


1 comment:

  1. Having done a bit of action research already on my campus I can attest to the fact that when you take ownership in the project it doesn't even seem like research. It is more like you are just problem solving a problem that you would have had to solve, research or no research.
